Digital Live’s 6-month training program is designed for real estate agents looking to build an influential digital profile. The ground-breakers; agents who are leaders in their market. The curious and excited about digital; You’re eager to learn how to use technology, social media, and digital marketing strategies to enhance your online presence and future-proof your business.
With use of exclusive Digital Live Scorecards, participants receive a personalised appraisal of their online profile when they start the program, and again at the end.
Our expert judging panel will review the digital footprint; participants online agent profile, agency profile, and social media profiles and provide tailored feedback and recommendations to help them excel.
Digital Live arms participants with the tools and strategies needed to amplify their brand and establish themselves as an influencer in the industry.
I have been part of the Digital Live judging panel for 2 years and am responsible for reviewing every digital live scoreboard for all of our participants. I have worked with real estate agencies quite extensively over my career and love the opportunities and education digital live provides for real estate agents across Australia.